February 21
Exodus 4:18, 27-31
Two can do it
Moses went back home to his father-in-law Jethro and told him that he was going to return to Egypt. Then he took his wife and his sons—and the special stick God had told him to take—and started on his journey.
Meanwhile, the Lord had told Aaron to meet Moses in the desert. So Aaron met him at the holy mountain. There, Moses told his brother everything the Lord had said.
Together, Moses and Aaron went to the leaders of the Israelites and told them that the Lord would free them from the Egyptians. After that, Moses did miracles as a sign of God’s power, and the people believed them.
Should I trust God to help me do a task on my own, or should I ask others for help?
Sometimes God may tell you to do something He knows you can’t do in your own strength. If He has promised to help you do a job on your own, He wants you to trust Him and not rely on others to make your task easier. However, at other times God wants us to work together with those whose strengths can help our weaknesses.
Whenever we do something for God, we need to be humble; either by relying on God to use us in spite of our weaknesses, or by letting others help us and allowing them to share in the joy of serving God.
Remember though, if we make excuses and expect God to use someone else to do the work, we cannot grow in our faith. When facing a challenge, God wants us to depend on Him, but also be willing to accept help.
Verse for today
“The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor” 1 Corinthians 3:8.