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October 20

Luke 22:47-54

Jesus is arrested

As Jesus was speaking to His disciples in the garden, a crowd arrived led by Judas. It was night, and Judas came right up to Jesus and kissed Him. Jesus said to Judas, “Are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?”

When the disciples realized that the group of people had come to arrest Jesus, they said, “Lord, should we use our swords?” But before Jesus could answer, Peter swung his sword at the servant of the High Priest and cut off his ear.

But Jesus said, “Stop this and put away your sword.” Then He touched the man’s ear and healed him.

Jesus then said to the chief priests, the elders, and the officers of the Temple; “Why have you come with swords and clubs as though I am a criminal? I was with you in the Temple every day. Why didn’t you arrest Me there? But now that it is dark, this is your time to act.”

So they arrested Jesus and took Him to the High Priest’s house. And Peter followed at a distance.

Does God plan the exact time for things to happen?

God does nothing without a plan. For a plan to work, it is important for things to happen at the right time.

  • God’s timing. This was not the first time people had tried to kill Jesus (Luke 4:28-30). Even when Jesus had been in the Temple a few days earlier, the time was not right (verse 53).

  • Peter’s timing. Peter asked, but he didn’t wait for an answer. He wanted to do the right thing by bravely defending Jesus, but it was the wrong time. In Ecclesiastes 3:1,3 it says that there is a time and a season for everything under heaven: a time to kill and a time to heal.

  • The devil’s timing. The devil had his plans too. But his plans always have to fall in with God’s will and timing. The devil can only do what God allows—and when God allows!

Verse for today

My times are in your hands. Psalm 31:15a