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October 14 

Matthew 22:15-22

Should we pay taxes?

The Pharisees were very unhappy that Jesus had dared to drive traders from the Temple area while allowing children to shout praises to Him as He healed the blind and lame.

So the Pharisees tried to think of a way to trap Jesus by getting Him to say something against the Romans (who ruled Judah). If He did, they would be able to accuse Him of something for which the Romans could punish Him. They came up with a plan and asked Jesus, “Is it against our Law to pay taxes to the Roman Emperor, or not?”

Jesus asked them to show Him a coin for paying taxes and said, “Whose name and face is on the coin?”

“The Roman Emperor’s,” they answered.

“Well then, pay to the Emperor what belongs to the Emperor, and to God, what belongs to God.”

What are taxes?

There are many things that a government—those in charge of a country—must do for its citizens; like building roads and hospitals and schools, and making sure that people obey the law. The government needs money to do all these things, and one way of raising money is by getting everyone to pay a portion of what they earn. The money that is paid is called tax.

Paying part of one’s hard-earned money for tax is no fun and some people try all sorts of ways to get out of paying what they should. But Jesus made it clear that paying tax to those in authority is the right thing to do.

Be a person of honor by giving to each one what you owe them—whether it is respect at home and at school, or paying taxes when you become an adult.

Verse for today

Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. Romans 13:7