November 30
Romans 5:12-15,20, 6:1-4
Paul’s letter to the Romans
While Paul was in Corinth, he wrote a letter to the people in Rome. He was longing to see them but hadn’t been able to get there, so he wrote a letter to the Romans telling them of God’s plan to save them from sin.
Paul wrote: Sin came into the world because of Adam’s disobedience. Because of one man, Adam, sin and death spread all over the world; but through another man, Jesus, there is forgiveness for everyone.
The Lord gave us laws to help us realize that we can never be perfect, and so, we must turn to Him for forgiveness and help. The more sin there is, the more we realize just how willing God is to accept us. Does that mean we should keep on sinning so that God will keep on showing His kindness? Of course not! How can we keep on sinning if our old sin-nature has died? With our new life in Jesus, God has given us power over sin—the same power that raised Jesus from the dead.
Is a person who keeps the Ten Commandments sinless?
Have you ever tried to pick yourself up by your shoelaces? Everyone knows that that would be silly because the unseen force of gravity is pulling you down.
Just as our bodies are affected by the law of gravity, our spirits are affected by the law of sin. From the day we are born both these forces pull us down—that is why we fall, and that is why we sin (Romans 7:23). Adam’s sin nature has been passed on to every person. People sinned even before God gave them commandments to follow (Romans 5:13).
Then God gave us rules (or commands) to show us that, on our own, we can never be good enough to meet His standard of holiness. Trying to be sinless by keeping every Commandment is like trying to float up into the sky by going on a diet. There is only one way to be sinless, and that is by allowing Jesus to fill us with His goodness (Romans 8:1).
Verse for today
"There is no one righteous, not even one …” Romans 3:10