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November 27

Acts 27:1, 7-15, 21-26

A storm at sea

Paul was handed over to an officer and put on a ship sailing to Rome where he was to be tried (judged) by the Emperor.

A strong wind was blowing out at sea, which made sailing slow and rough. Eventually they got to a harbor called Fair Havens where they stayed for some time. The captain and crew didn’t want to spend winter at that harbor and were ready to sail out a few days later. But Paul warned them, saying, “Men, it will be dangerous for us to keep sailing. We must stay here!”

But when the wind died down, the captain decided to set sail and head out to sea. However, once they were out at sea, the strong wind started to blow again, so the sailors had to throw cargo overboard to keep the ship from sinking. They lowered the sail and let the wind and waves drive the ship along for two whole weeks.

Will the Holy Spirit warn me of danger?

Paul was guided by the Holy Spirit (not by the wind). He had learned to pray about things and be sensitive to what the Lord was saying to him. He didn’t need a weather forecast to know that the ship wouldn’t be safe if they left the harbor.

Some people rely on the advice of experts; others look for signs to guide them. Then there are those who simply react to circumstances. In this case, the captain of the ship was the expert—he knew the sea. The signs were good—the wind had died down. The circumstances weren’t great—no one wanted to spend winter in that dump of a harbor.

It isn’t wrong to ask others for their opinion in order to help you make a sensible decision. But remember, the Holy Spirit also guides you as you read the Bible.

When you need to make an important decision, the Holy Spirit may warn you by giving you an uneasy feeling about a certain choice; or He may give you peace to let you know that you're doing the right thing.

Verse for today

The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice. Proverbs 12:15